朴相赫 合伙律师
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  • TEL 82 2 6182 8131
  • FAX 82 2 6003 7020
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Sanghyuck Park is a partner at Yoon & Yang LLC, and his main practice areas include commercial and management rights disputes, corporate criminal defense, criminal trials and administrative disputes, etc.
Mr. Park is a litigation attorney, representing companies and individuals in lawsuits and other disputes regarding commercial affairs, management rights, corporate criminal affairs, and administrative issues, etc. based on in-depth knowledge and experience in a wide variety of areas. He was admitted to the Korean bar in 2011, and completed his legal training at the Judicial Research and Training Institute in 2014 (43rd class). He obtained his LL.M. at University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School in 2020 and was admitted to the New York bar in the same year.


  • 2014-present Yoon & Yang LLC
  • 2023-present Director, The Korean Society of Disaster Information


  • 2020 University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School, LL.M.
  • 2014 Judicial Research and Training Institute
  • 2012 Yonsei University College of Law, LL.B.