申晙焕 合伙律师
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  • TEL 82 2 6003 7581
  • FAX 82 2 6182 6244
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Jun Hwan Shin is a partner at Yoon & Yang LLC, and his main practice areas include corporate law.
Mr. Shin represents and advises conglomerates, banks, securities companies and insurance companies, etc. in commercial and financial disputes, and related criminal cases or breach of the Financial Investment Services and Capital Markets Act, etc.


  • 2021-present Yoon & Yang LLC
  • 2018 Duane Morris & Selavam, Singapore (secondment)
  • 2012-14 HMP Law


  • 2012 Seoul National University Graduate School of Law (LL.M. coursework completed)
  • 2012 Judicial Research and Training Institute
  • 2000 Seoul National University College of Law, LL.B.


[Commercial/Financial/Capital Markets Disputes]

  • Handled the dispute between banks and institutional investors in relation to Optimus Fund
  • Handled the case involving the violation of the Financial Investment Services and Capital Markets Act in relation to merger between listed companies
  • Handled the case involving the violation of the Foreign Exchange Transactions Act in relation to a private equity fund
  • Handled the case seeking preliminary injunction against payment of an independent bank guarantee

[Construction Disputes]

  • Handled the case seeking payment of construction costs related to relocation of the 3rd Special Forces Brigade upon the development of Wirye New City
  • Handled the case seeking compensation for damages related to a steam generator defect within the Hanbit Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2
  • Handled the case of liquidated damages for delay involving an industrial complex construction
  • Handled the case seeking affirmation of nullification of the approval for the establishment of the Association for Housing Reconstruction Project for Sinsa District 1
  • Handled the case seeking payment of construction guarantee against the Construction Guarantee Cooperative
  • Handled the case on compensation for delay in a new city development project in Hanam Misa

[Corporate Criminal Defense, Criminal Trials]

  • Handled the case on the violation of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes (fraud) involving window dressing
  • Handled the case on the violation of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes (fraud) involving a supply contract scandal at the ROK Air Force
  • Handled the bribery case related to Wangsimni New Town Project
  • Handled the case on the violation of the Attorney-at-Law Act regarding the lobbying for successive appointment of CEO of a shipbuilding company
  • Handled the defamation case involving a professor of Seoul National University College of Arts and a professor of University of Wisconsin


  • Contract Formation and Enforcement in South Korea: Overview, Practical Law (Co-author, Thomson Reuters, 2023)