崔永宽 合伙律师
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Young Kwan Choi is a partner at Yoon & Yang LLC. His main practice areas include commercial law & management rights dispute, corporate criminal defense, corporate litigation and construction litigation.
Mr. Choi joined Yoon & Yang in 2007 after passing the 46th Judicial Examination and completing the training at the Judicial Research and Training Institute. He regularly advises on a wide array of corporate advisory and litigation matters (civil, commercial litigation in connection with a corporation, management rights dispute, financial dispute), embezzlement/breach of duty of a corporate executive, stock price manipulation and other white-collar crimes. Following his LL.M. program at the Wake Forest University School of Law, he has advised and represented clients in civil and criminal litigation in respect of management rights dispute, as well as construction litigation.


  • 2007-present Yoon & Yang LLC
  • 2017-present Lecturer, Special Seminar on Claim for Damage in Practice, Korean Bar Association


  • 2014 Wake Forest University School of Law, LL.M.
  • 2007 Judicial Research and Training Institute
  • 2003 Korea University College of Law, LL.B