金铉洙 会计师
김현수 회계사.jpg
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Hyun Soo Kim is a certified public accountant at Yoon & Yang LLC and his main practice areas include international trade and tax.
After becoming a certified public accountant and licensed tax accountant in 1996, Mr. Kim passed the American Institute for Certified Public Accountant exam in 2000. Mr. Kim conducted auditing and due diligence at Deloitte Anjin LLC (current Ernst & Young Global Limited), and performed anti-dumping investigations, etc. as an investigator (deputy director) and participated at WTO meetings as a member of government delegation while working at the Korea Trade Commission under the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy (current Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy). Upon such experiences, he received an award from the Minister of Commerce, Industry and Energy in 2005 and was appointed as an integrity ombudsman of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy in 2019. Between 2004 and 2018, he handled various trade remedy issues on behalf of leading domestic and foreign companies and provided advice on tax and accounting issues to global or domestic companies and non-profit organizations.


  • 2019-present Yoon & Yang LLC
  • 2004-18 HMP Law
  • 2001-03 Investigator, Trade Service Commission, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy
  • 1994-01 Deloitte Anjin LLC (current Ernst & Young Global Limited)


  • 1995 Kyungpook National University, B.A. in Business Administration


[International trade]

  • Represented TK Chemical in the case involving polyester fiber from China
  • Represented Hyundai Heavy Industries in the antidumping investigation of industrial robots manufactured in Japan
  • Represented a Brazilian IP in the antidumping investigation of uncoated paper made in Brazil
  • Represented a Japanese exporter in the antidumping investigation of aluminum bottle cans
  • Represented an Indian exporter in the antidumping investigation of stainless steel bars made in India
  • Represented Malaysian and Indian exporters in the antidumping investigation of POY made in Malaysia and India
  • Represented Hankuk Paper in the WTO dispute related to white paper made in Indonesia


[Tax & accounting]

  • Advised on tax issues for Samsung Seoul Hospital, Seoul Asan Hospital, Gangbuk Samsung Hospital, and Korea Airport Corporation
  • Advised on M&A deals for credit card companies, a Korean subsidiary of a French company and a Korean subsidiary of a US company
  • Advised on accounting and finance issues related to project feasibility review for a foreign school and a wind power project company; a heavy industrial company’s joint venture; share valuation of a company, and accounting issues related to Hyundai Swiss Savings Bank
  • Other advisory service – Liquidation of a Korean subsidiary of an Irish company, a Korean subsidiary of a Japanese company; rehabilitation process, and accounting related to profit from presale


  • Study on New Supplier Review, Trade Remedy Review (Trade Service Commission) (2002)
  • Case Study on Industrial Damage Caused by Anti-dumping and Countervailing Duty Investigation on the Same Item , Trade Remedy Review (Trade Service Commission) (2004)
  • Study on Close of Anti-Dumping Investigations, Trade Remedy Review (Trade Service Commission) (2005)
  • Amendment of Antidumping-Related Parts in the Chair’s Text of WTO Rules, Trade Remedy Review (Trade Service Commission) (2008)