梁柱烈 合伙律师
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Ju-Youl Yang is a partner at Yoon & Yang LLC, and his main practice area is employment and labor.
Mr. Yang represents leading domestic companies and public agencies in employment and labor-related disputes, and advises on employment and labor issues including illegal dispatch in relation to internal subcontracting, collective labor relations, corporate personnel systems and HR management and compliance, etc. Further, he has special knowledge and experience in domestic manufacturing sectors, e.g. automobiles, parts, and steel manufacturing, etc.


  • 2019-present Yoon & Yang LLC
  • 2023-present Adjunct Professor, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Law School
  • 2023-현재 Member, Pro Bono Committee (adjudication officer), Seoul Chapter of the National Labor Relations Commission
  • 2012-19 Senior Counsel, Legal Affairs Division, Hyundai Motor Co., Ltd.


  • 2021 Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Law School, LL.D.
  • 2012 Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Law School, J.D.
  • 2009 Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, LL.B.


  • Represented domestic automobile companies in litigations and disputes on illegal dispatch and advised on lawful subcontracting
  • Handled litigations on illegal dispatch involving domestic automobile parts manufacturers
  • Advised domestic shipbuilders, steel manufacturers and heavy equipment manufacturers on lawful subcontracting
  • Advised a domestic distributor on illegal dispatch in relation to internal subcontracting
  • Advised domestic automobile manufacturers on labor-management disputes
  • Handled disputes on illegal dispatch by major public agencies including the Korea Expressway Corporation and the Korea Broadcasting System, etc.
  • Represented the Korea Railroad Corporation in litigation on wage and benefits
  • Handled disputes on labor unions of public institutions and their subsidiaries
  • Advised a foreign company in Korea on labor relations and handled disputes on labor unions
  • Advised a domestic financial company on labor relations and handled disputes on labor unions
  • Advised a major domestic electronic company on labor relations
  • Handled disputes and litigations on ordinary wages involving domestic automobile manufacturers in
  • Represented a large security company in litigation on ordinary wages
  • Handled disputes between domestic automobile parts manufacturers regarding concurrent offices
  • Advised a domestic financial company on payment of bonus and the wage system
  • Advised domestic conglomerates including a heavy equipment manufacturer and transportation company, etc. on occupational safety and health


  • Best Lawyer, Employment · Labor, Korea JoongAng Daily (2024)
  • Rising Star, Employment · Labor, Korea JoongAng Daily (2023)



  • A study on recognition of the constitutional right of management in labor-management relation laws (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Doctor’s Thesis, 2021)