Korea's “Elite Firm” for 16th consecutive year (GCR 100 2024)

  • Firm News
  • 2023.12.22

Yoon & Yang was again selected as Korea's "Elite Firm" in the 2024 edition of "GCR 100", a ranking of law firms in the competition/antitrust practice published annually by the Global Competition Review (GCR), a world-renowned competition/antitrust legal magazine.


Yoon & Yang was recognized as the “Elite Firm”, the highest grade, for the 16th consecutive year since 2009 when GCR started to conduct research in the South Korea jurisdiction.


GCR 100 evaluates the world's prestigious competition practices, based on its periodic surveys and clients/peer interviews and publishes the lists of law firms ranking one of three categories: “Elite,” “Highly Recommended” and “Recommended.”


Please refer to the link below for more information:



GCR 100 (2024 edition)