韓民映 合伙律师
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Min Young Han is a partner at Yoon & Yang LLC. His main practice areas are Southeast Asia, international arbitration & litigation, and corporate law.
Mr. Han assisted with the establishment of overseas corporations in Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Mongol, and advised on company acquisition, agreements required for overseas project financing, licenses/permits and foreign exchanges. He has also represented clients in several international arbitration matters through ICC arbitration, SIAC arbitration, and KCAB arbitration in Indonesia, Singapore, Cambodia and Brazil.


  • 2018-present Yoon & Yang LLC
  • 2012-present Legal Advisor, Overseas Investment Enterprise, Ministry of Justice
  • 2012-14 Lecturer, KOTRA Global Training Center
  • 2009-18 Apex LLC
  • 2009-11 Ethics Committee Member, Korea Research Institute for Local Administration
  • 2008-09 Sewha Park & Goo LLC


  • 2016 Boston University School of Law, LL.M. in Banking & Financial Law
  • 2008 Judicial Research and Training Institute
  • 2003 Kyung Hee University College of Law, LL.B.


  • Advised a domestic financial institution on the acquisition of an Indonesian securities firm, asset management company, and merchant bank; advised a domestic automobile parts manufacturer on the establishment and company acquisition of an overseas investment corporation to operate a manufacturing business in Indonesia; routinely advises IBK Industrial Bank of Korea in Indonesia; routinely advises POSCO Idonesia Inti
  • Represented the respondent in an arbitration case seeking additional construction payment related to a subcontract agreement in Brazil (ICC/Sao Paulo, Brazil); represented the claimant in an arbitration case seeking for restitution of investment and payment upon the exercise of put options in respect of a tourism development in Cambodia (SIAC/Singapore); represented the claimant in an arbitration case seeking for restitution of a loan payment in respect of a PF in Cambodia (KCAB/Seoul, Korea)
  • Advised Busan 2 Saving Bank on securing the management right of a Cambodian project developer as well as debt collection; advised a fund established by KTB Asset Management on the debt collection in Korea and Cambodia; advised a fund established by Golden Bridge
  • Asset Management on the debt collection in Cambodia